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.As I pulled out I saw another tall male zombie shuffling towards the shop, dragging a broken leg or foot as it went.I got out real quick, sighted in the Savage, and obliterated the damn thing’s head at 75 yards.The rifle sounded like a cannon going off.I could even hear the birds flying away out of the trees the gun report was so loud.And I left.The drive back got a little hairy when I crossed Main Street near my condo.I had to drive through a dozen or so undead in the road.They were making their way towards the gun shop like a mob of undead Somalians.Awful shit Mr.Journal.I ran over a few of them and drove away from the rest.They left bloody streaks on the windows that are still there to this day.I took the same route back.That’s where I saw the zombie caught in the swing again.I laughed for an hour about that.If you can’t recall Mr.Journal, I’ve mentioned this before.There was a zombie who had walked into a swing, and kept walking far enough that the swing had gotten lodged up under its armpits.These things are so single minded it kept walking forward, straight into the swing, like it was on a treadmill.I stopped the van and watched for a bit, and it actually turned in my direction to walk towards me, still bound up in the swing.Hilarious.Stupid zombies.It’s probably still stuck in that fucking swing right now.Got back here, parked the vans on the bridge and holed up for the rest of that day.It was a shitty trip all in all.I guess you could say I saw fireworks that July 4th, although it wasn’t the kind I was interested in.Can you see now why I was a little sour on telling that story Mr.Journal? Meet Adrian Ring, mom killer, child murderer, abandoner of girlfriends.My whole life I feel like I’ve always been the guy that has to go all in on 7-2 off suit.At least I’m a good shot.Classy fella.-AdrianDecember 17thI think I’ve gotten rid of the Ninja shits.At least, I think I have.I’ve been wrong before though.They are….Very sneaky.I haven’t had the shits in a few days, so I’m pretty excited.It might’ve been the painkillers though.I know many of them cause constipation as a side effect.If that’s the case, then I killed two birds with one stone.You have any fucking idea how painful and difficult it is to take a shit when your leg is fucked up? I had to crap with one leg sticking straight out in front of me, grimacing the whole time.Forget standing up afterward.Yowzas.Something happened today that has me somewhat excited.I went outside today for the first time in a week I think.It was around noon, and it was actually pretty nice out.A pleasant 40 degrees F according to the thermometer.My leg has gotten much better and I desperately needed to get outside and get some direct sunlight and fresh air.I stood outside of Hall E, holding the door open if I needed to make a quick escape when I heard a weird, thrumming noise.It was a sound I hadn’t heard since late June.It was an airplane.I didn’t see it, but I heard it.It was distinct.I nearly danced for joy.Signs of educated, advanced survivors.Pilots who knew how to fuel a plane and fly, overhead.Holy shit I was, and still am excited about that.Full chubber.The first thing I thought of was 9/11.Mr.Journal you might not remember this, but for almost two days they stopped all flights here in the states.No planes overhead except for military ones.It was weird, especially if you were anywhere near a major city with a big airport.I remember feeling weird back then when someone pointed out to me how quiet it was without the civilian planes.I’d forgotten how quiet it was again.Who was in the plane? What kind of plane was it? Where was it going? Large planes don’t take off without a damn good idea that they can land where they’re going, which implies to me that two locations were still communicating effectively over vast distances.I’m betting my shirt it was a military plane flying from one base to another.A lot of bases use satellite comms, and as long as they have power on base, the satellites will last for a year, maybe more.Now whoever runs the orbit corrections for the comms satellites needs to stay alive for them to last though.More than likely our bases are still operational all over the world, and it was people shuffling about.Man that’s exciting.Hope for stability.So what’s new with me Mr.Journal? Damn little, that’s what.Yesterday I spent inside yet again and tried to stay off the leg.I can get around more or less without pain, just soreness, but the less activity I have, the faster it’ll heal.I read a few books this week that I had here in the dorm from the kid’s rooms, and I also experimented with canned food recipes with mixed results.I haven’t had any venison in some time.I only really like it if I can grill it, and the grill is outside, so I’ve been skipping the meat.I’ve checked the meat twice, and it’s holding up pretty good in my freezer room deal.I am going to have to make a trip down to the gas station as soon as I feel comfortable moving around.Maybe I can do it tomorrow or the next day.I could have done it today I think, but on the outside chance I run into trouble, I can’t risk re-injuring the leg.I’ve been burning through fuel for the gas generator like a motherfucker.It’s been really cold, so I’ve had to turn up the heat a few degrees above where I had been keeping it.Also, because I’ve been inside all day, I haven’t been turning it down a few degrees like I had been when I went out to clear houses.All in all, I’m at least halfway through big Blue already, and that’s far ahead of my schedule.If I can just fill up my gas cans I’ll be good to go until my leg is fully healed.At least into January I think.I can’t recall how much gas is in the Tundra, but I think it’s somewhere less than a half tank.That plus the fuels cans would be terrific.It sucks being all alone when you’re hurt or sick Mr.Journal.There’s no one to bring me chicken soup anymore.Much like the previous few days it’s been boring here.Nothing has passed through the campus, and other than hearing the plane earlier today, there’s nothing new to report.Food is good, the plants are slowly growing, Otis is his mischievous self, and my leg is getting better.1st and ten.More tales of the past you think? I’m getting low on stories to tell about what’s already happened to me Mr.Journal.In fact, if I spend the rest of this entry talking about the remaining time between June 23rd and when I started the journal, I’ll be flat out of shit to talk about.Not like I won’t be doing stuff in the future, but I won’t have much to talk about as it relates to the past.Is that good? I always had this notion I could talk forever about that crap.Maybe it’s because I’m putting way more entries than I planned on.When I first started this I was looking at doing entries once a week.I must like your company bud.Oh well, all good things come to an end I suppose.After my trip back to Moore’s on July 4th I got pretty motherfucking paranoid.Realizing a pipsqueak teenager had blown the head off of my cop friend really put the fear of humanity into me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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