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.53.Oxford English Dictionary.54.Anzilotti, In the Affairs of the World, 4-8; Glover argues that we must un-derstand the importance of  horizontal ties between siblings and kin that theyexerted a profound influence over one another and that they created a sense ofbelonging and identity within the family group.She also argues that  this deter-mination to use kin to secure status and power meant that the elite in SouthCarolina had a lot in common with merchant families in Boston. Glover, All OurRelations, ix-x, xiv. 210 Notes to Chapter 555.Ditz convincingly argues that such  extended face to face conversations toa global network, a collective association that redefined and expanded public life ;Ditz,  Formative Ventures, 61, 70-72.56.Letter from Isaac Holmes to Rebecca Amory, April 11, 1730, Amory FamilyPapers, Massachusetts Historical Society, N279, Reel 1.57.South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Conveyance Book C,171-81 and 182-4.58.Letter from Elizabeth Holmes of Charleston, South Carolina, to RebeccaHolmes Amory in Boston, October 17, 1730, Amory Family Papers, MassachusettsHistorical Society, N279, Reel 1.59.Letter from Isaac Holmes from Charleston, South Carolina, to RebeccaHolmes Amory in Boston, February 21, 1731, Amory Family Papers, Massachu-setts Historical Society, N279, Reel 1.60.Letter from Elizabeth Holmes from Charleston, South Carolina, to RebeccaHolmes Amory in Boston, March 1, 1732, Amory Family Papers, MassachusettsHistorical Society, N279, Reel 1.As I ve  translated it, the letter reads:  Hoping itwill find you and yours well, as blessed be God we are at present.Am glad to hearFrankie behaves himself better than he did [earlier].Hope God will enable himto see his folly and to mend.He wrote me he was going to apprentis [and] hopebusiness will divert him from folly.61.Letter from Isaac Holmes from Charleston, South Carolina, to RebeccaHolmes Amory in Boston, October 21, 1732, Amory Family Papers, MassachusettsHistorical Society, N279, Reel 1; Oxford English Dictionary.62.Glover, All Our Relations, 60-61; see also Anzilotti, In the Affairs of theWorld, 37-38, for a similar argument63.Boston Gazette, September 29, 1735.64. Rebecca Amory s Receipt Book, Amory Family Papers, 1698-1894, Massa-chusetts Historical Society.It was bound in green leather with a dainty gold clasp;unfortunately, it details only the money she expended.Dayton, Women Before theBar, found that  only a few widows kept their own account books, 94.65.Boston News-Letter, May 21, 1730.For a fuller discussion of female supportnetworks, see Patricia Cleary, Elizabeth Murray, 72-74, 73, 92-93, 97, 210, and 220-222.According to Cleary,  She Will be in the Shop, 188, women s shops attractedwomen customers, so, while there is little evidence of a strong female network inAmory s receipt book, it is likely that she created such a network within the shopitself.See also Richard Bushman,  Shopping and Advertising in Colonial Amer-ica, in Cary Carson, Ronald Hoffman, and Peter J.Albert, eds., Of ConsumingInterests: The Style of Life in the Eighteenth Century (Charlottesville: University ofVirginia Press, 1994), 247.66.Boston Gazette, March 6, 1738; Boston News-Letter, April 4, 1740; BostonGazette, April 14, 1740.67.Boston Gazette, September 27, 1748;Boston Gazette, May 2, 1749. Notes to the Conclusion 211Conclusion1.Dunton, Letters Written From New-England, 98.2.Jeremiah Bumstead Diaries (interleaved and annotated Almanacs), Ameri-can Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts.Jeremiah Bumstead, 1678-1747,was a middling artisan and an enthusiastic member of the Old South Church inBoston.3.Jensen, Loosening the Bonds, 25-26; Lebsock, The Free Women of Petersburg,ch.5,  Women Alone: Property and Personalism, specifically, 77-79, 136-138;Wood, Masterful Women, 1, 82,102. This page intentionally left blank BibliographyPRIMARY SOURCESUnpublished MaterialsAberdeen University, The Aberdeen Bestiary, Aberdeen University Library MS 24,http://www.abdn.ac.uk/bestiary/translat/32r.hti.American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MassachusettsJohn Saffin Note-BookMather Family PapersParson Family PapersJeremiah Bumstead DiariesForbes Library, Northampton, MassachusettsNorthampton County Court Records on microfilmLibrary of Congress Manuscript DivisionGalloway-Maxcy-Markoe Family PapersMaryland Historical Society, Baltimore, MarylandDulany Family PapersKey Family PapersMassachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MassachusettsPhotostat CollectionAmory Family PapersEssex County Probate Records on Microfilm, Genealogical Library, Society of theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsHampshire County Probate Records on Microfilm, Genealogical Library, Societyof the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsMaryland Probate Records on Microfilm, Hall of Records, Maryland StateArchivesPlimoth Plantation, Plymouth Colony Wills (transcripts), Plymouth,MassachusettsSuffolk County Probate Records on Microfilm, Genealogical Library, Society ofthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsSouth Carolina Probate Records on Microfilm, Genealogical Library, Society ofthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints213 214 BibliographyPublished MaterialsActs and Laws, of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-Eng-land.Boston: By Bartholonew Green and John Allen, 1699.Acts and Laws, Passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Their Majes-ties, Province of the Massachusets-Bay, in New-England.Boston: By BenjaminHarris, 1692The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay.Vol.1, 1692-1714.Boston: Wright & Potter, 1869.[Allestree, Richard.] The Ladies Calling in Two Parts.By the Author of the WholeDuty of Man, the Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety, and the GentlemansCalling.Oxford, 1673.Bacon, Thomas, ed.The Laws of Maryland at Large, with Proper Indexes.Annapo-lis: 1765.Baxter, Joseph.A Discourse on the Great Priviledge and Happiness of Dying inFaith.Deliver d at George-Town on Arowsick, upon the Death of John Watts,Esq; Who departed this Life Nov.26th.1717.Boston, 1718.Beauchamp, Virginia Walcott, Elizabeth H.Hageman, and Margaret Mikesell, eds.The Instruction of a Christen Woman by Juan Luis Vives (Urbana: Universityof Illinois Press, 2001),  The Work: Its Contexts, Content, and Translation,http://www.press.uillinois.edu/epub/books/vives/work.html.Behn, Aphra.The Widow Ranter or The History of Bacon in Virginia.A Tragi-Comedy, Acted by their Majesties Servants.London, 1690.Blackstone, William.Commentaries on the Laws of England.Oxford: ClarendonPress, 1765 1769.The Book of the General Laws and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Mas-sachusetts Collected out of the Records of the General Court for the Several YearsWherein They were Made and Established.Cambridge, 1648.The Book of the General Lawes and Libertyes.Now Revised by the same Court.Cambridge, 1660.Browne, William Hand, ed.Archives of Maryland: Proceedings and Acts of theGeneral Assembly of Maryland.72 vols.Baltimore, 1883-1972.[Centlivre, Susanna.] The Dramatic Works of the Celebrated Mrs.Centlivre, witha New Account of her Life.Complete in Three Volumes.Vol.1.New York: AMSPress, 1968.Reprinted from the London, 1872 edition.[Centlivre, Susanna.]  The Gamester: A Comedy, As it is Acted at the New-The-atre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by her Majesty s Servants. 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