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.Despite many complaintsof corruption and scandal in the U.S.Food Administration, no one wasever indicted.After the war, the partners of J.Henry Schroder128Company found that they now owned most of Cuba s sugar industry.One partner, M.E.Rionda, was president of Cuba Cane Corporation,and director of Manati Sugar Company, American British andContinental Corporation, and other firms.Baron Bruno von Schroder,senior partner of the firm, was a director of North British and MercantileInsurance Company.His father, Baron Rudolph von Schroder ofHamburg, was a director of Sao Paulo Coffee Ltd., one of the largestBrazilian coffee companies, with F.C.Tiarks, also of the Schroder firm.*__________________________* The New York Times noted on October 11, 1923: "Frank C.Tiarks,Governor of the Bank of England, will spend two weeks here to set upthe opening of the banking house branch of J.Henry Schroder ofLondon."73After the war, Zabriskie, who had been sugar Czar of the United Statesby presiding over the U.S.Sugar Equalization Board, became thepresident of several of the largest baking corporations in the UnitedStates: Empire Biscuit, Southern Baking Corporation, Columbia Baking,and other firms.As his principal assistant in the U.S.Food Administration, Hoover choseLewis Lichtenstein Strauss, who was soon to become a partner in KuhnLoeb Company, marrying the daughter of Jerome Hanauer of KuhnLoeb.Throughout his distinguished humanitarian service with theBelgian Relief Commission, the U.S.Food Administration, and, after thewar, the American Relief Administration, Hoover s closest associatewas one Edgar Rickard, born in Pontgibaud, France.In Who s Who, he129states that he was "World War administrative assistant to HerbertHoover in all war and post-war organizations including the CommissionFor Relief in Belgium.He also served on the U.S.Food Administrationfrom 1914-1924." He remained one of Hoover s closest friends, andusually the Rickards and Hoovers took their vacations together.AfterHoover became Secretary of Commerce under Coolidge, Hamill tellsus that Hoover awarded his friend the Hazeltine Radio patents, whichpaid him one million dollars a year in royalties.In 1928, "the London Connection" decided to run Herbert Hoover forpresident of the United States.There was only one problem; althoughHerbert Hoover had been born in the United States, and was thuseligible for the office of the presidency, according to the Constitution,he had never had a business address or a home address in the UnitedStates, as he had gone abroad just after completing college atStanford.The result was that during his campaign for the presidency,Herbert Hoover listed as his American address Suite 2000, 42 Broadway,New York, which was the office of Edgar Rickard.Suite 2000 was alsoshared by the grain tycoon and partner of J.Henry Schroder BankingCorporation, Julius H.Barnes.After Herbert Hoover was elected president of the United States, heinsisted on appointing one of the old London crowd, Eugene Meyer, asGovernor of the Federal Reserve Board.Meyer s father had been oneof the partners of Lazard Freres of Paris, and Lazard Brothers of London.Meyer, with Baruch, had been one of the most powerful men in theUnited States during World War I, a member of the famous Triumviratewhich exercised unequalled power; Meyer as Chairman of the WarFinance Corporation, Bernard Baruch as Chairman of the War130Industries Board, and Paul Warburg as Governor of the Federal ReserveSystem.A longtime critic of Eugene Meyer, Chairman Louis McFadden of theHouse Banking and Currency Committee, was quoted in The New YorkTimes, December 17, 1930, as having made a speech on the floor ofthe House attacking Hoover s appointment of Meyer, and chargingthat "He74represents the Rothschild interest and is liaison officer between theFrench Government and J.P.Morgan." On December 18, The Timesreported that "Herbert Hoover is deeply concerned" and thatMcFadden s speech was "an unfortunate occurrence." On December20, The Times commented on the editorial page, under the headline,"McFadden Again", "The speech ought to insure the Senate ratificationof Mr.Meyer as head of the Federal Reserve.The speech wasincoherent, as Mr.McFadden s speeches usually are." As The Timespredicted, Meyer was duly approved by the Senate.Not content with having a friend in the White House, J.Henry SchroderCorporation was soon embarked on further international adventures,nothing less than a plan to set up World War II.This was to be done byproviding, at a crucial juncture, the financing for Adolf Hitler sassumption of power in Germany.Although any number of magnateshave been given credit for the financing of Hitler, including FritzThyssen, Henry Ford, and J.P.Morgan, they, as well as others, didprovide millions of dollars for his political campaigns during the 1920s,just as they did for others who also had a chance of winning, but whodisappeared and were never heard from again.In December of 1932,131it seemed inevitable to many observers of the German scene thatHitler was also ready for a toboggan slide into oblivion.Despite thefact that he had done well in national campaigns, he had spent all themoney from his usual sources and now faced heavy debts.In his bookAggression, Otto Lehmann-Russbeldt tells us that "Hitler was invited to ameeting at the Schroder Bank in Berlin on January 4, 1933.The leadingindustrialists and bankers of Germany tided Hitler over his financialdifficulties and enabled him to meet the enormous debt he hadincurred in connection with the maintenance of his private army.Inreturn, he promised to break the power of the trade unions.On May 2,1933, he fulfilled his promise."64Present at the January 4, 1933 meeting were the Dulles brothers, JohnFoster Dulles and Allen W
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