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.All rights reserved.This document is Cisco Public Information.Page 10 of 11CCNA ExplorationAccessing the WAN: Network Troubleshooting Lab 8.5.3: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 3interface FastEthernet0/4switchport trunk native vlan 99switchport trunk allowed vlan 11,30switchport mode trunk!interface range FastEthernet0/5-24shutdown!interface GigabitEthernet0/1shutdown!interface GigabitEthernet0/2shutdown!interface Vlan1no ip addressno ip route-cache!interface Vlan30ip address ip route-cache!ip default-gateway http server!line con 0exec-timeout 5 0logging synchronousline vty 0 4password ciscoccnaloginline vty 5 15no login!endTask 2: Find and Correct All Network Errors Task 3: Verify that Requirements Are Fully Met Because time constraints prevent troubleshooting a problem on each topic, only a select number of topics have problems.However, to reinforce and strengthen troubleshooting skills, you should verify that each requirement is met.To do this, present an example of each requirement (for example a show or debug command).Task 4: Document the Corrected Network Task 5: Clean UpErase the configurations and reload the routers.Disconnect and store the cabling.For PC hosts that are normally connected to other networks (such as the school LAN or to the Internet), reconnect the appropriate cabling and restore the TCP/IP settings.All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is Cisco Public Information.Page 11 of 11Document OutlineLab 8.5.3: Troubleshooting Enterprise Networks 3 Topology DiagramAddressing TableLearning ObjectivesScenario Requirements
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