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.And Beth felta peculiar emotion rising within her.He's making time withMiss America, that's what he's doing.Jesus C.Frog, I'm not getting jealous of Eric Banyon,ami?No, not of him.Of her, maybe.She looks like every-thing I could never be beautiful, rich, poised, and ele-gant.I probably shouldn't even bother to ask him about aKNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS 133lift home.She looks like she'd be more than willing to takehim anywhere.No.I should ask, just in case.Maybe he's trapped in aconversation with this woman, waiting for someone to bailhim out.Expecting me to show up any minute to rescuehim.Yeah, right.Sure he is, Kentraine.And you're Princessfile:///G|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20.20Knights%20of%20Ghosts%20and%20Shadows.txt (110 of 285) [2/2/2004 1:23:00 AM] file:///G|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20+%20Ellen%20Guon%20-%20Knights%20of%20Ghosts%20and%20Shadows.txtDi.Well, 1 should ask him, anyhow.She walked around the dance floor, sidestepped thegyrating bodies of the two mohawked dancers, wove apath around several others merrily rolling across the floor.As she moved closer, she realized that the woman waseven more beautiful than Beth had originally thought.Lady, you sure know how to make every woman in theroom feel real insignificant, don't you?Even her voice is lovely, Beth realized, now close enoughto hear the blonde's low contralto.And to see the way her fingers were tracing little pat-terns on Eric's hand.I can't be jealous.That's Eric Banyon, Eric "I'm a twit"Banyon.It's not like there's anything between us, morethan just friendship so why do I want to kill the bitch?Beth walked uncertainly towards the pair, and stopped afew feet away.Neither Eric nor the blonde woman noticedher.What in the hell, am I invisible or something?" No, I've never been to the Elizabethan Faire, Eric,but I think that's really a marvelous idea ""Hey, Eric," Beth said uncomfortably.Eric glanced at her.For a stunned moment, Beth thoughthe didn't recognize her.Then he smiled."Oh, Beth, hi.Ithought you'd left already.""I wanted to make sure you have a ride home first."Something is really strange here.He's not quite looking atme, or her, or anything.If I didn't know better, I'd sayhe's had too much to drink.But Eric's not like this whenhe's drunk he never gets this strange, distant look in hiseyes134 Mercedes Lackey and Ellen CuonHe gets silly, that's what he gets.Or he gets moroseAnd he can't be stoned, either, or he'd be snoring at herfeet, or panting at them like a cocker spaniel in heat.Youcan set your watch by the fifteen minutes it takes EricBanyan to pass out after he gets stoned.There's definitely something weird going on in the threebrain cells residing underneath all that hair."Thanks, Beth, but I'll just catch the bus."Beth's voice tightened with annoyance."Eric, the lastbus went by half an hour ago!" You fool, don't you everlook at your watch?No.That's not it.There's something else going on here.I don't know what it is, but.something about this ladyfile:///G|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20.20Knights%20of%20Ghosts%20and%20Shadows.txt (111 of 285) [2/2/2004 1:23:00 AM] file:///G|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20+%20Ellen%20Guon%20-%20Knights%20of%20Ghosts%20and%20Shadows.txtis making the back of my neck prickle.That predatorylittle smile, the greedy way she's looking at Eric.Some-thing is very wrong"Oh, I didn't realize it was that late." Eric said after amoment, and smiled vaguely at her."I guess we shouldgo, then." He turned to the woman beside him."I uh,I'm leaving now.It's really been nice talking to you,Ria "The vixen gave him a warm, seductive look."I've en-joyed talking with you as well, Eric.If you'd like, I "Her lips curved invitingly."I could give you a lifthome."Like hell you will, lady!The blonde looked up suddenly, as though she hadheard Beth's thoughts.Her eyes met Beth's, intense andcalculating.Where did Eric find this wench, anyhow? Cod, but helooks wasted.Too many drugs, Banyon.I'd better get youout of here.Beth took Eric's hand firmly, and was startled at thechill of his flesh, the way his hand seemed nervelessagainst hers."Come on, Banyon, we're leaving.":Do you really want to fight me for him, little sister?:Beth blinked, not certain if she'd heard the womanspeak, or had just imagined the words.No, she didn't sayKNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS 135it 1 didn't see her lips moving at all.She didn't sayanything.Then who dwI didn't take any drugs!"Banyon?"Eric had a remarkably stupid look on his face, one thatBeth recognized from too many evenings of seeing himpassed out drunk at Fairesite.Banyon, what in the hell have you been drinking? Stemo?Well, you can sleep it off.Assuming we don't get caughton the road.Woodley Park is probably already floodedfrom this storm"Nice meeting you," Beth called over her shoulder,starting to walk away with Eric in tow.A delicate hand descended on her shoulder.Beth feltthe elegantly lacquered fingernails digging in, even throughthe thickness of her leather jacket."I think you've interrupted a private conversation," theblonde said softly, her contralto voice rich with barelyfile:///G|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20.20Knights%20of%20Ghosts%20and%20Shadows.txt (112 of 285) [2/2/2004 1:23:00 AM] file:///G|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20+%20Ellen%20Guon%20-%20Knights%20of%20Ghosts%20and%20Shadows.txtconcealed menace."No, I think that Eric and I are leaving now," Bethretorted, with just a hint of steel in her voice.Get yourmitts off me or you're going to lose them, Blondie."Are you?" the bitch smiled, her fingers tightening onBeth's shoulder."And what makes you think that he wantsto go with you?"Beth glanced at Eric, who was staring off into space,completely oblivious to everything and anything going onaround him.Banyon, what is wrong with you? And why inthe hell am I defending your virtue?No.I know why I'm doing this I know what this "lady"is, I can read her loud and clear.Man-eater.She wants totake the Banyon-boy under her wing, amuse herself for awhile, suck him dry, then spit him out again.And laugh ashe falls apart.I won't let her do that to him.He may be a realschmuck sometimes, but he's my friend."Because I'm his friend," Beth said, surprised at theway Blondie was gazing intently at her.Like she's trying to136 Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Cuonbum a hole though me with those eyes.If she stared at meany harder, she'd probably go cross-eyed."Besides, hethinks I'm cute.""Does he? So, tell me, dear, just how do you get thatparticular kind of hacked-off-with-a-knife look with yourhair? I've never seen anything like it before, even at mycoiffeur's in Beverly Hills.I'm sure Eric finds it veryattractive."Why, you bitch!"Try hacking your hair off with a knife," Beth retorted."And, you know, I really do like your remarkable colorof blonde, while we're on the subject on hair styles.Doyou use Clorox to get that effect, or just hair coloring?It's really you."The woman's eyes darkened."My dear, you're treadingon very dangerous ground.""So are you, lady." Beth smiled, showing teeth.The woman shrugged."Be that as it may, I do thinkEric enjoys my company more than yours.Don't you,Eric?" She favored the flute player with a winning smile [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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