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.I never had any big problemswith unity, support, or coherence, but the sentence skills were anothermatter.They were like little bugs that always appeared to infest my writing.My present instructor asked me to rewrite papers, just concentrating onsentence skills.I thought that the instructor was crazy because I didn t feelthat rewriting would do any good.I soon became certain that my instructorwas out of his mind, for he made me rewrite my first paper four times.It wasvery frustrating, for I became tired of doing the same paper over and over.Iwanted to belt my instructor against the wall when I d show him each newdraft and he d find skills mistakes and say,  Rewrite. Finally, my papers beganto improve and the sentence skills began to fall into place.I was able to seethem and correct them before turning in a paper, whereas I couldn t before.Why or how this happened I don t know, but I think that rewriting helped alot.It took me most of the semester, but I stuck it out and the work paid off.a.The paragraph is not unifi ed.b.The paragraph is not adequately supported.c.The paragraph is not well organized.d.The paragraph does not show a command of sentence skills.e.The paragraph is well written in terms of the four bases.5.Luck and MeI am a very lucky man, though the rest of my family has not always beenlucky.Sometimes when I get depressed, which is too frequently, it s hard to seejust how lucky I am.I m lucky that I m living in a country that is free.I m allowedto worship the way I want to, and that is very important to me.Without a beliefin God a person cannot live with any real certainty in life.My relationship withmy wife is a source of good fortune for me.She gives me security, and that ssomething I need a lot.Even with these positive realities in my life, I still seem tofind time for insecurity, worry, and, worst of all, depression.At times in my life Ihave had bouts of terrible luck.But overall, I m a very lucky guy.I plan to furtherdevelop the positive aspects of my life and try to eliminate the negative ones.a.The paragraph is not unifi ed.b.The paragraph is not adequately supported.c.The paragraph is not well organized.d.The paragraph does not show a command of sentence skills.e.The paragraph is well written in terms of the four bases.164This photograph is clearly making a statement.Write a paragraph about what you think thatstatement is and why you came to that conclusion.You may want to use personal experience tostrengthen the support in your paragraph. Introduction to Paragraph Development7The kimono, pictured on the women in the photograph above, is the traditional garment ofJapan.Its form and use have been refined to play an appropriate role in Japan s modern life,and it is often worn on special occasions.Can you think of a special tradition that you share withyour family, friends, or your culture? Write a paragraph about this special tradition.Copyright � 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All rights reserved.Important Considerationsin Paragraph DevelopmentBefore you begin work on particular types of paragraphs, there are several generalconsiderations about writing to keep in mind: knowing your subject, knowing yourpurpose, and knowing your audience.Knowing Your SubjectWhenever possible, write on a subject that interests you.You will then find it easier to putmore time into your work.Even more important, try to write on a subject that you alreadyknow something about.If you do not have direct experience with the subject, you shouldat least have indirect experience knowledge gained through thinking, prewriting,reading, or talking about the subject.If you are asked to write on a topic about which you have no experience orknowledge, you should do whatever research is required to gain the information you need.Chapters 19 and 20 will show you how to look up relevant information at the library andonline, and how to write a research paper.Without direct or indirect experience, or theinformation you gain through research, you may not be able to provide the specificevidence needed to develop whatever point you are trying to make.Your writing will bestarved for specifi cs.Knowing Your Purpose and AudienceThe three most common purposes of writing are to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.Each is described briefl y below.To inform to give information about a subject.Authors who are writingto inform want to provide facts that will explain or teach something toreaders.For example, an informative paragraph about sandwiches mightbegin,  Eating food between two slices of bread a sandwich is apractice that has its origins in eighteenth-century England. To persuade to convince the reader to agree with the author s point ofview on a subject.Authors who are writing to persuade may give facts,but their main goal is to argue or prove a point to readers.A persuasiveparagraph about sandwiches might begin,  There are good reasons whyevery sandwich should be made with whole grain bread.To entertain to amuse and delight; to appeal to the reader s senses andimagi nation.Authors write to entertain in various ways, through fi ctionand nonfic tion.An entertaining paragraph about sandwiches might begin, What I wanted was a midnight snack, but what I got was better thebiggest, most magical sandwich in the entire world.Much of the writing assigned in this book will involve some form of argumentation orpersuasion.You will advance a point or thesis and then support it in a variety of ways.Tosome extent, also, you will write papers to inform to provide readers with informationabout a particular subject.And since, in practice, writing often combines purposes, youmight also find yourself providing vivid or humorous details in order to entertain yourreaders.Your audience will be primarily your instructor and sometimes other students.Yourinstructor is really a symbol of the larger audience you should see yourself writingfor an audience of educated adults who expect you to present your ideas in a clear,direct, organized way.If you can learn to write to persuade or inform such a generalaudience, you will have accomplished a great deal.A Note on ToneIt will also be helpful for you to write some papers for a more specifi c audience.By sodoing, you will develop an ability to choose words and adopt a tone of voice that is justright for a given purpose and a given group of people.Tone reveals the attitude that awriter has toward a subject.It is expressed through the words and details the writerselects.Just as a speaker s voice can project a range of feelings, a writer s voice canproject one or more tones, or feelings: anger, sympathy, hopefulness, sadness, respect,dislike, and so on.To appreciate differences in tone, look at the six statements below, which express different attitudes abouta shabby apartment.Six different tones are used.Label each statement with the tone you think is present.1 This place may be shabby, but since both of my children were born while we lived here, it has aspecial place in my heart.2 This isn t the greatest apartment in the world, but it s not really that bad.3 If only there were some decent jobs out there, I wouldn t be reduced to living in this miserabledump.4 This place does need some repairs, but I m sure the landlord will be making improvementssometime soon.EXPLANATION The tone of item 1 is sentimental. It has a special place in my heart expresses tenderemotions.In item 2, the words  not really that bad show that the writer is tolerant, accepting the situationwhile recognizing that it could be better.We could describe the tone of item 3 as bitter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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