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.) pressure(s) (cont.)use Selected Persons O/W Straight Wire [1959], somatic is, in Dianetics, considered to be aIII-402 symptom in a lock, secondary or engram,using  worse than [process], III-158, 177 simply part of content, VI-342 What part of that problem could you be re- pretense, defn, false reason or excuse; a mere showsponsible for? , III-296, 315 without reality, VIII-102presession(s), IV-74 prevention of engram, I-114additions, IV-134 Preventive Dianetics, I-47assist dissemination, IV-72, 73 defn., I-113; see also DMSMHauditing presession, IV-141 basis of: prevention of acquisition and restimulacommands for Presessions II-X, Havingness and tion of engram, I-121Confront, IV-142 formula of, I-113handle: help factor, control factor, pc communi- Preventive Scientology, defn, individual is inhibitedcation factor, interest factor, IV-72 or restrained from assuming states lower thanhelp is first button, IV-86 he has already suffered from, II-441is run without a Model Session, IV-180 Primary Correction Rundown (PCRD), VIII-65, 133,of the 1st Saint Hill ACC, IV-142 157; IX-320, 326; see also Primary Rundownpre-presession stage that s a confessional, IV-89 checklist, VIII-134; IX-320Presession Communication, IV-135 end phenomena of a ~, VIII-I 59; IX-328Presession Control, IV-134, 135 handling, VIII-157Presession Help: two-way Help on auditor-pc, IV- pre-PCRD steps, VIII-158; IX-327134 purpose of the PCRD is to get the person throughPresession Interest: live or die, IV-134 the PRD, VIII-137, 157; IX-326Presession One (Help, Control, Communication, when the PCRD is given, VII1-133Interest), IV-175 Primary Rundown (PRD), VIII-135; IX-322, 323; seePresession Two, IV-139 also Primary Correction Rundownbased on theory that one is taking sixth dy- actions in HGC are case handling and Word Clearnamic off seventh dynamic, IV-141 ing Method 1, VIII-76steps of, IV-139 auditor flubs, X-233Presession 37, IV-I 80 consists of Word Clearing and study tech; it makesmethod of getting off withholds, IV-180 a student superliterate, VIII-135; IX-323use of, IV-204 every definition of a word must be looked up, What question shouldn t I ask you? , IV-154, IX-479194 handling of Study Tapes, VIII-75; IX-322thirty-six new presessions, IV-156 is given in Tech Division, IX-323type session, havingness can be run on any, IV-90 keynote of Primary Rundown is honesty, VIIIwhat to do for person after Presession Processes, 135; IX-323IV-79 non-PRDs, VIII-163press, VI-392 product, VIII-77, 135and government attack, II-312 steps, VIII-136; IX-324entheta and attacks in, IV-148 students who struggle with, are given Primary Corgood press on Scientology, II-311 rection Rundown, IX-326handling, let case histories do the talking, II-309 super-IIteracy is end product of PRD, VIII-155;how to handle, II-442 IX-464interviews, discuss the project not Scientology, Tech DivPrimary Rundown, VIII-76, 135II-353 use of Word Clearing Method 4, VIII-77prints bad news, II-170 Word Clearing Method 8 is an action used in theScientologists should never let themselves be inter- Primary Rundown, VIII-155; IX-464viewed by the press, II-155 Primary Scale; see Pre-Havingness Scale, Primarystories, written before the interview, II-169 Scalepressor beam, I-290 prime datum, no such thing; there must be two datapressure(s), ~ since datum is of no use unless it can bebank solidity is a form of ~, V-175; VI-192 evaluted by datum of similar magnitude, IIIhigh TAs, heavy pressures and even illness can 422come from by-passed flows, VII-212; VIII-286, primitive culture, example of educating a ~, VIII 380170Locational Communication relieves face pressures primitives, help = betrayal, IV-86and terror stomachs, III-466 primitives, insanity rises when veneered by whitepcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, when customs, IV-82their TA is high, VII-169 principles, basic reason basic principles, I-148468 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1950/1975prior assessment, one has to assess what was wrong problem(s) (cont.)before or prior to the cure, VI-377 Grade II or above has a problem, that meansprior confusion, IV-401, 409; VIII-237; see also con- Grade I is out, VII-101fusion handling and running, III-164all problems are preceded by ~, IV-409 handling of, unless the pc can get idea of problem,finding, IV-415 the technique is unworkable, III-165hidden standards are result of ~, IV-409 havingness and problems, II-304sec checking area of prior confusion, IV-406, 414 havingness is the clue to problems, III-117Security Checking includes ability to locate area hidden standard is always an old problem of longof prior confusion, IV-390 duration, VI-109stuck points on time track stick because of ~, hidden standard is special problem pc thinks mustIV-414 be resolved before auditing can be seen to haveto self-determined change, V-116 worked, VIII-262use of in Problems Intensive, IV-414 hidden standards by which all auditing progress isprior reads, judged, IV-354defn., reads which occur prior to completion of how to take apart, IX-310major thought, V-264 invention of, why not aberrative, III-196compartmenting the question, exploring ~, V-77 is a game, III-196prison and army systems of punishment, III-235 is not a condition or a terminal; it is a  how orprivacy, invasion of, III-496  whether ; it is a doingness, not a person,problem(s); see also present time problem; Problem III-315Processes is two-terminaled, III-303defn, consists of two or more purposes opposed, Locational Processing to handle, III-122II-424, 446 margin of error allowable for a problem, I-73defn., conflict arising from two opposing inten- mind is important to degree it can observe, pose,tions, III-488 resolve and execute problems, I-27defn., intention vs.intention or  two or more mis-definitionof, III-303opposing and conflicting views on same sub- most stuck point on track is a problem, IV-414ject , IV-61 necessary to the playing of a game, II-446defn, an intention-counter-intention that worries no TA (or case gain ) = problem = locate problem,pc, IV-210 VII-46, 359defn., two or more postulates in opposition to of barriers, ortheirlack, howresolved, II-15each other, IV-354 of parent, I-325defn., postulate-counter-postulate, IV-413; V-185; of sedation, I-104VI-109 old solution causing new problems, IV-62all problems are preceded by a prior confusion, one cannot have a problem without overts andIV-409 withholds against people involved in it, for oneanatomy of, is intention vs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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