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.Each acts33independently of each other, with the physical body receiving the remote-eye visual connection assomething like secondhand input.The center of consciousness flickering back and forth betweenthese two aspects also shows the strong and intimate link between them.The visual connection between the awake physical body and its remote-eye aspect is most likelyprovided via the silver cord, as per any other type of projection, but the brow center is also verylikely involved here.The awake but tranced physical/etheric mind can be thought of as receiving atype of remote-eye, real-time vision broadcast from its projected double, via its silver cord.If I amright here, this vision is received and seen by the physical/etheric mind in its mind's eye, in a verysimilar way as normal clairvoyant mind's-eye visions are seen.This type of experience also supports my theory that the physical body's original copy ofconsciousness stays firmly inside the physical body, but is energetically connected with itsprojected aspect at all times.This suggests that any other type of out-of-body projection will befound to have similar basic properties, although these may not be quite so apparent nor so wellperceived.Remote-eye projection also adds weight to my theories on the mind-split effect, that OBE canoccur at any time during the trance state, often without being noticed.The physical/etheric mindstays awake and functional, but remains totally unaware that a projection is in full progress.Thisoften, I believe, happens to people during meditation, usually without them being aware of it at thetime.There are some other, more subtle, contributing factors at work during a remote-eye projection.When people are extremely tired, their brain waves slow and their physical bodies feel heavy,fuzzy, and sluggish: These are classic trance-state symptoms.Full trance is the ideal state not onlyfor projection, but also for clairvoyant visions.The will and mental effort required to force overtired eye and eyelid muscles to respondlocalizes and focuses body awareness in the eyes and brow area.As these muscles are not workingproperly, most of the eye-opening effort causes a strong, localized body-awareness action in theeyes and brow area.The brow center (third eye) is situated in this very same area.The brow center is intimately connected with the eyes and with the sight center of the brain, withall other types of non-physical sight, and with many aspects of projection-tube-type projectionsfor example.Forcing tired eyes to stay openstimulates the brow center quite effectively,and energizes whatever developed or naturalclairvoyant capabilities the brow center has.Thefull-trance state also causes a naturally increasedflow of energy throughout the physical/ethericbody, making available to the brow center and itssupporting energetic circuitry far more energy thanusual.This combination of increased energy flowand brow center stimulation is usually enough tostimulate the brow center into an energeticallyFig.4.Tired eyes lifting action,receptive mode.showing awareness effect on brow centerThe Missing LinkThere is nothing simple about OBE.There are many subtle variations possible.This chapteroutlines just one variation that falls into a shady area somewhere between projection andclairvoyance.A more apt description of this type of experience would be real-time remote viewing,rather than OBE, per se.Projections falling into this category often involve clear perceptions of duality, withconsciousness often flickering back and forth between the physical and its remote aspect for theduration of the experience.A remote-eye projection experience has a different look and feel to itthan more common types of projection.It is also far more mentally and energetically draining, ifcontinued for any length of time, which is not surprising if you take into account the overtired stateof the physical body and mind necessary for this phenomenon to occur.346.Waking ParalysisWaking paralysis (also called sleep paralysis) is extremely common: you wake up paralyzed, orsuddenly become paralyzed while relaxing or trying to get to sleep but while still awake.Mostpeople will probably experience it at some time.This can be terrifying, as the cause is alwaysunknown at the time.Paralysis is a well-known symptom associated with out-of-body experience;natural projectors will, more often than not, be found to suffer frequent bouts of waking paralysisthroughout their lives, especially during their teens and twenties.I was plagued by it during mychildhood, teens, and twenties.It slowly lessened in frequency over the years, but only after I beganregular energetic development and learned how to project in my early twenties.I still get itoccasionally, a couple of times a year.Waking paralysis is extremely complex and no singleexplanation can really explain its causes.The two most popular theories are dissociation andspontaneous projection
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