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.If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily agrievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. Surah 5:73 (Yusuf Ali)Thus belief in trinity is also defined as blasphemy.But what is the  grievous penalty that shallbefall those who believe such things? Well, as we saw in previous chapters, many Muslims areironically expecting their version of Jesus to return and actually kill these  polytheist TrinitarianChristians.And the Quran does not stop at denying that Jesus is the Son of God or that God exists as a trinity.Islam Denies The CrossWith tears in his eyes, Paul the Apostle warned the Thessalonians that,  many live as enemies of thecross of Christ. (Thessalonians 3:18) It should not come as a surprise then that Islam also evendenies the most central event of all of redemptive history: The crucifixion of Jesus.Speaking to theJews of Jesus day, the Quran says:That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger ofAllah"; but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear tothem, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge,but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, Allah raisedhim up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise  Surah 4:157-8 (YusufAli)Among Islamic scholars, there are actually numerous conflicting theories regarding exactly whathappened to Jesus.(For ironically, regarding this issue, it is actually they who are the ones who have  only conjecture to follow. ) But despite the inability of Muslims to arrive at any form ofconsensus regarding what happened to Jesus, they are very much in agreement on at least one issue:He was not crucified! This passage of the Quran makes at least this much clear.How Does The Antichrist Spirit Of Islam Affect Muslims?So we see that Islam very specifically and very deliberately denies all three of the specific doctrinesthat the Apostle John identifies as defining the antichrist spirit.And the Quran does not merelydeny these doctrines, but actually expresses utter disdain for them, actually cursing those whobelieve these things, accusing them of gross blasphemy.But how do these Quranic attitudes thenaffect Muslims? This statement may sound strong, but in all of my years of outreach, interfaithdialogue and casual conversations with those who are not Christians, the two groups that I havepersonally witnessed express the strongest degree of contempt and mockery toward the gospel havebeen Satanists and Muslims.(Yes, believe it or not, I ve actually had quite involved conversationswith more than a few Satanists.) Now, let me be clear that I am in no way trying to liken allMuslims to Satanists in any way.I have met many wonderful and very decent Muslims who wouldnever express any form of blatant disrespect for Christian doctrine, even if they secretly felt thisway.But I am speaking very truthfully when I say that in terms of my personal experiences ofwitnessing assaults toward the Gospel message, only Satanists and Muslims have expressed such ahigh degree of venomous disgust.While there are indeed many religions and systems of belief thatdo not agree with the doctrines of Christianity, many which do not even believe in God, only Islamfills the role of a religion that exists to deny core Christian beliefs.And of course, following thelead of the Quran, the three doctrines that are most severely and most often attacked and mocked byMuslims are the doctrines of the trinity, the divine incarnation and the atoning sacrifice/crucifixionof Jesus.I recently saw a suggestion by a Muslim on an Internet discussion group, for a bumpersticker.It read:  Divine Insanity: God died on the cross to save his own creation from his ownwrath. One Muslim friend insists on referring to Jesus as a  god-man sandwich. I haveweathered innumerable accusations that by believing in the historic Christian God I am no differentthan a pagan polytheistic idol worshipper.Many times, I have been told that the doctrine of theatoning sacrifice of Jesus is as archaic and pagan as a human sacrifice to some kind of  volcanogod. I have been accused of believing in a God who is a  sadistic child abuser. I have seenattempts to liken Jesus death on the cross to a suicide bombing.I have even weathered themocking of the Christian God as a  blood-thirsty vampire.If you are a Christian and you love God, I m sure these statements grieve you as they grieve me,and I apologize for recalling them.I don t relate these attacks in any way to provoke negativefeelings against Muslims.Please do not come away with any such feelings! My reason for relatingthese examples is to acquaint you with the blatant antichrist spirit that resides within the religion ofIslam and that many Muslims therefore manifest.We should not be surprised then to find that oneof the descriptions of the Antichrist is that he will be very fond of uttering great blasphemies againstthe God of the Bible:The king will do as he pleases.He will& say unheard-of things against the God ofgods.Daniel 11:36He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints.Daniel 7:25The Quran itself expresses such blasphemies.As someone who is in continual dialogue withnumerous Muslims from all over the world, I can testify that the blatant antichrist spirit that we sawexpressed in the Quranic passages above, quite often blooms into an overt disdain and uttercontempt not only for Christian beliefs but also for Christians themselves.While this is not alwaysthe case, should we really be surprised when Muslims act out against those who the Quran literallycurses as idolatrous infidel blasphemers? And if we are being realistic, should we expect the future of Islam to be given to those Muslims who identify with the Quranic scorn for Christians or to thosewho show an amiable attitude despite the curses of their own holy book?And lastly, in regards to whether or not Islam is specifically the Antichrist system that the Bibleforetells, there can be no question that this, the second largest, fastest growing religion in the world,is and has been from its inception, the quintessence of the very antichrist spirit that John the apostlewarned us of.Notes:1.http://www.troid.org/articles/islaamicinfo/Islaamingeneral/shirk/theultimatecrime.htm Chapter ThirteenIslam s Ancient Hatred For The JewsWhile Islam envisions the day when Christians and Jews will convert to Islam en masse, there is adistinction within Islam s end time narrative between the final destiny of Christians and that of theJews.In Islam s version of the last-days, we see that all Christians will either accept Islam or bekilled.Certainly, when we look at this final picture, it is impossible to say that Islam has any realaffinity for Christians or Christianity [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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